Written by Administrator
Thursday, 11 November 2021 |
The Kiss of the Divine Part 2 - Carrying the Heart Release of GuruPrem's NEW Book Published by KRI! "Everyday Devotion - The Heart of Being" ' Everyday Devotion - The Heart of Being' GuruPrem's 3rd book is a bit of an autobiography of parts of his life and how he became and is continuing to become his name, GuruPrem Singh Khalsa. It is filled with stories from his transformation, of learning and lessons, of pain, discomfort, joy, finding his destiny and walking the path he walks, the life of a devoted Sikh, a family man, a Kundalini Yoga teacher, a man walking towards his destiny ', The book has something for everyone, meditations, breathing exercises, stories, philosophy, yoga, and we tried to make it Elevating, Entertaining, Empowering, Educational and hopefully get you to Exercise! The Heart Rules!
The follow up book to Divine Alignment, it shows how to modify for your current flexibility and level many asana as well as includes a album of mantra and music download! Simran & GuruPrem are singing and chanting the songs and mantras used in the book. www.amazon.com Pictures from the Master Class at YARD Yoga Alliance Red Deer, Canada Photos by
Listen to Heal Me
This entire Album: Heal Me, was done as my personal prayer for healing and redemption. Though made up of multiple songs, it is meant to be enjoyed as a complete experience, from beginning to end. When listened to in this way, the songs weave a tapestry of deep and manifold healing. It is my hope and prayer that my journey of healing is conveyed through this music and that each listener can be healed through the sound and vibration that has been created. This album has many stories associated with the songs and the nature of the Siri Singh Sahib/Yogi Bhajan's poetry. Every song is a story; stories relating to Yogi Bhajan and my relationship with my spiritual teacher. For those of you who never met Yogi Bhajan, as well as those of you who did, you might find these stories of our creative collaborations valuable and hopefully entertaining. Read the stories. Blessings, GuruPrem Praise for Heal Me: "This is totally fly!" "The opening track 'Creation',is the most amazing Long Ek ong kar I have heard, Wow!" - SatKartar "That was gorgeous!" - Guruka "This is really beautiful!" - Sant "Wow! Simran's voice is a hidden treasure!" - GuruShabd S NOW available on iTunes, bandcamp & CD available on June 20th www.spiritvoyage.com |
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 17 November 2021 )